Canada’s largest comics, sci-fi, horror, anime, and gaming event is coming to Toronto this fall. From October 22nd to the 24th, FAN EXPO Canada event will be at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

This pop culture fan expo started as a small comic convention. However, it has since transformed into an event that celebrates all things pop culture.

The main events include celebrity meet-ups, autographs, panels, Q&As and photo ops. There will also be community meet-ups, a cosplay competition, and workshops. You can also shop for unique pop culture items, including comic books, t-shirts, games, and even original artwork.

Attending the event will be professional comic artists, voice actors, and many more celebrities. Firstly, the featured artists and creators attending the event include: Jim Lee (DC Comics), David Finch (Cyberforce, Walking Dead Deluxe), Bill Morrisson (Yellow Submarine, The Simpsons), Sam Maggs (Spiderman, The Unstoppable Wasp), and many more.
Secondly, celebrities attending the event will include: William Shatner and George Takei (Star Trek), Javicia Leslie (Batwoman), Matthew Lewis (Harry Potter), Rober Patrick (Terminator 2, The X-Files) and more.
Other legends attending the event will include voice actors such as Janet Varney (The Legend Of Korra) and cosplayers such as Jessica Nigri.

Ticket Options And Pricing
Three different ticket options are available. To get the advanced ticket price, purchase tickets before October 7th.
The single-day pass includes admission to one day of FAN EXPO Canada, Show Floor Access, Panel Room/Theatre Access, and a Souvenir Badge. The ticket costs $35 Advanced Ticket Price, or $45 regular price.
The 3-Day Pass includes all of the above, plus admission to all 3 days of FAN EXPO Canada, Access to the Special Preview on Friday at 2 PM and a Limited Edition Pop Culture Fun Face Mask. The ticket costs $109 Advanced Ticket Price, or $119 regular price.
The Limited Edition Package includes all of the above, plus much more. Indeed, you will also get a Dedicated Ticket Pick Up Counter, Exclusive Limited Edition Lounge Access, Celebrity Photo Op 24-hour Purchase Guarantee. Not only that, The Limited Edition Package also grants you a FAN EXPO Canada: LIMITED EDITION™ Lanyard, Bring A Friend for FREE on Friday, Two Line Jumps for a Celebrity Autograph or Photo Op, and aFAN EXPO Canada: LIMITED EDITION™ Mystery Box ($100 value). The ticket costs $159 Advanced Ticket Price, or $189 regular price.
Be sure to head to the expo’s website to buy your tickets in advance to make savings.