Rollercoasters can be amazing fun, if you’re not terrified of them. Being afraid of rollercoasters can put a huge damper on your fun at a place like Canada’s Wonderland, or prevent you from going there altogether. But there’s no need to avoid the Wonderland. This theme park is actually suitable even for those who have a fear of coasters. There are plenty of rides to choose from that won’t leave you feeling panic. So check out this list of 9 rides at Canada’s Wonderland for adults who are scared of rollercoasters.
Things to Consider When Choosing a Ride

Before we begin the list, here are a few things to keep in mind.
Firstly, patrons of Canada’s Wonderland mostly agree that in general the newer rides are less scary than the old ones. If you’re afraid of bumpy, rickety rollercoasters, avoid any of the wooden rides at Canada’s Wonderland. The new, colourful coasters are much smoother sailing. There are a few exceptions to this, but it’s a decent rule of thumb.
Secondly, a great resource for those who are afraid of rollercoasters is the Canada’s Wonderland official Youtube channel. They post POV videos of many of the rollercoasters, so you get to have a good idea of what you’re going to experience before you decide to line up. If you have a more specific fear, like heights, drops, or loops, you can know which ones to avoid.
The final thing to keep in mind is that amusement parks are intended to be a fun and overall positive experience. Sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone can be very fulfilling and a great experience. Part of the thrill of rollercoasters is the presence of a small amount of fear. However, fear in large amounts can outweigh the fun. Don’t force yourself into something that will cause genuine distress. If you are too afraid to go on any of the rollercoasters at Canada’s Wonderland, there is nothing wrong with that. You can still experience the less scary, but not less fun water park during the summer, as well as some of the non-coaster rides at the park. With that, let’s begin the list.
Which Rollercoasters to Choose at Canada’s Wonderland

If you’re familiar with the way Dragon Fyre looks from the ground, you probably don’t think it would make it on this list. However, many patrons of Canada’s Wonderland claim that this coaster actually helped them to stop being afraid of rollercoasters entirely. With its 360 loops, it looks pretty terrifying from the ground. However, although this is an older ride, when you’re actually it the loops are incredibly smooth- you barely feel like you’re looping at all. The ride is short and sweet, and if you have a fear of going upside-down it can certainly help to show you that loops aren’t so scary after all. If you’re still unsure, check out the official POV video.

The Fly is a somewhat scary rollercoaster, but it not too extreme and is suitable for families. If you are afraid of heights, this one is pretty high up, but if not it should be an easy and fun ride. With a 50 ft drop and hairpin turns, this is definitely not a coaster for those who have a fear of heights. However, the track does not tilt, and there are no loops. The ride is also not extremely fast on its hairpin turns, so you don’t feel like you’re about to fall off. If you’re still unsure, check out the POV video.

A popular ride at Canada’s Wonderland among those who are afraid of rollercoasters is the Backlot Stunt Coaster. Formerly known as The Italian Job, this is a fast-accelerating launch style coaster. This ride is great for people who have a fear of heights. With no huge drops, loops, or ascents, the thrill of this ride comes from its speed. If you have neck issues that a high-speed ride could affect, avoid this one. But otherwise, the speed being the main thrill makes this ride extremely fun but not at all scary. If you’re still unsure, check out the official POV video.

Thunder Run is certainly one of the least scary rollercoasters at the park. This coaster is a fun, train track themed ride that takes you through dark tunnels, but features no significant drops, loops or hairpin turns. This coaster is a fairly bumpy ride, though, so be prepared to get shaken about a little. However, it’s pretty slow and doesn’t have any moments that make your heart sink. If you’re still unsure, check out their POV video.

The final rollercoaster you could try is Behemoth. Yes, this doesn’t sound particularly easy, nor does it look it from the ground. Certainly, if you have a big fear of heights, this one is probably not for you. However, if you don’t have a problem with heights, this ride is actually a very smooth and fairly tame experience. If you close your eyes on the ascent, this ride barely feels as high as it is. The turns are very smooth, and do not go upside-down or have 360° loops. This ride is fast, thrilling and high, but once you’ve experience the shock of the first drop, the rest are smooth-sailing. We recommend this ride for someone who is a little scared but doesn’t mind stepping out of their comfort zone to experience something fun. If you’re unsure, check out the POV video first.
Non-Rollercoaster Rides at Canada’s Wonderland
If all these coasters are too much for you, there are still other options. Don’t be afraid: not every ride at Canada’s Wonderland is a rollercoaster. So here’s a list of a few fun and thrilling rides that aren’t.

Swing of the Century is a classing spinning swing ride. This ride rotates passengers at high speeds, making a thrilling experience that doesn’t take you on wild twists and turns. With no surprises at all during the ride, you know exactly what to expect. This ride is suitable for families, but if you get sick easily it could potentially be nauseating.

Viking’s Rage is a classic swinging boat ride. This ride swings passengers up and down as if on high waves at sea. Though this necessarily contains somewhat of a drop, the predictable motion means this ride is not scary at all. Simply enjoy the swinging feeling with no surprises.

Bumper Cars – or Krachenwagen – are a favourite for all ages. If you don’t mind being thrown around a bit, bumper cars are a fun and not at all scary ride. It’s simple, try to avoid getting bumped while driving after your friends and family in an attempt to bump them. This ride is definitely best with a group of friends or family.

Finally, the Spinovator is a well-loved ride among those who are afraid of rollercoasters. It is essentially a classic spinning teacup ride, so it again offers no real surprises or twists. Simply sit in your bucket and enjoy the spinning motion. This ride is a good one for couples as each bucket seats two people.
So, if you’re a little afraid of rollercoasters, or even very afraid, you can still have fun at Canada’s Wonderland. You can even potentially conquer your fear of coasters with some of these fun rides. Enjoy your visit.